3DTS HOThis week the entries for the '3 Dies Trial Santigosa' · 2020 were opened but, as you know, due to serious technical errors in the computer system that was released, the process couldn't be executed successfully and we couldn't be determined, of all registered applications, who was correctly registered.

For this reason, Moto Club Abadesses made the delicate and difficult decision to make the immediate return of all the payments and, given this situation, considering that it's the most fair, choose to repeat the registrations.

We inform you that a new time and registration process will be opened.

Registrations must be made through the website of the Moto Club Abadesses, following the usual procedure of the previous years, starting next Wednesday, January 29.

The form will be available at 7:00 p.m.

To register, you must complete the form and make the payment of the registration fees correctly.

It will be necessary to correctly dispose and enter the following data: NAME and LAST NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, ID, TOWN / REGION and COUNTRY, PHONE, E-MAIL, LICENSE (Field not obligatory. It will be possible to inform later), CATEGORY, MOTORCYCLE, REFUELING and T-SHIRT SIZE.

Remember to mark the check, giving conformity that you have read and accept the rules of the 3DTS 2020.

Next, we publish the updated regulation:

- RULES OF 3DTS 2020

Registrations will not be accepted by any other means. Places are limited and remember that only the first 100 entries will get a direct place for the race. Subsequent applications will remain on the waiting list until the raffle for the allocation of all the places.

Registration will be closed on February 6, at 7:00 p.m. and the raffle for the remaining places will be held on 8/2. Moto Club Abadesses will inform via e-mail the riders who have obtained a place for the race on 9/2. These will be accepted once the payment has been made. The period to make the payment will end on February 13, at 7:00 p.m. The pilots who do not make the payment in the established term will lose the place.

* Registrations for backpackers (with license) and for followers will open on 09.03.20, we will soon inform you the procedure.

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Fotografies dels 3DTS disponibles a Foto Montse
Més informació i peticions a: foto@fotomontse.com
